News & Publications Advertising


Orange County Lawyer Magazine - Display Advertising

Download the 2024 OCL Media Kit. Or send us a completed Display Advertising Interest Form and our team will follow up.

Orange County Lawyer Magazine & Online - Classified Advertising

Classified Advertising Order Form & Rate Sheet

OCBA Website & eNewsletter - Digital Advertising

Digital Advertising Rate Sheet

Expert Witnesses & Attorney Support Services Listing

Expert Witnesses & Attorney Support Services Listing Order Form & Rate Sheet



The Orange County Lawyer has played a leading role in the Orange County legal community for years – even digitally. The award-winning magazine presents a multifaceted range of topics in a thought-provoking way. Orange County Lawyer features writers, who are the principal legal minds and represent the highest level of legal knowledge, and combines them with great visuality and exclusivity for Orange County Bar Association members.

Orange County Lawyer Magazine Display Advertising

Orange County Lawyer was first published in 1988, making it one of the longest running legal-based magazines in the state of California.

A vehicle for delivering engaging editorial content written by lawyers for lawyers, Orange County Lawyer features articles authored by legal professionals, attorneys, and judges. Content provides analysis, discussion, and advice on everything from evolving statutes and laws to emerging changes in legal business practices, making Orange County Lawyer a go-to resource for anyone in the practice of law.

Today, Orange County Lawyer is the #1 legal publication in Orange County, distributed monthly in both print and a fully web-enabled digital edition to an audience of more than 7,000 readers.

Check out the 2024 OCL Media Kit for more information about ad rates. To view a sample issue, click here.

Click here to download a display advertising interest form.

Orange County Lawyer Classified Advertising

Whether you are leasing office space or promoting your services, the Orange County Lawyer Classifieds are an excellent way to reach out to the Orange County Legal community. The classifieds are both in print and online!

Click here to download the classified ad order form.

Interested in placing an ad? Fill out an order form and return to oclawyer@ocbar.org or via fax to 949.440.6710. All classified ads must be submitted typed and must be pre-paid in full.

Digital Advertising on the OCBA Website and Emails/eNews

The OCBA offers advertising opportunities on some of its webpages and emails. Currently, you may select from the webpages below and the biweekly OCBA eNewsletter.

Click here for digital rates and ad specs.

Expert Witnesses and Attorney Support Services Listing

Consider marketing your services in our Expert Witnesses and Attorney Support Services Listing. Starting at a base rate for a full year, this is one of the most affordable marketing opportunities available through the Orange County Bar Association. The online directory is available to all visitors to the OCBA website, which includes traffic from OCBA members and non-members.

Click here to download the online directory ad order form.


Our magazine is published and distributed on the first of each month. The deadline to insert a display or classified ad to the magazine is the first day of the month prior to publication - i.e. August 1 for September issue.


Contact the OCBA at info@ocbar.org.