State Bar Swearing In Ceremony Recap
The State Bar of California Admission Ceremony was held Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2010, at the Sheraton Anaheim Hotel in Anaheim, Calif. The atmosphere was festive and befitting the holiday season as friends and family gathered to watch new admittees to the State Bar take the necessary oath to begin their careers in the legal profession.

Quipped attendee Shivram Vaideeswaran prior to the ceremony's start, "This is the happiest I've ever seen a room of lawyers."

A recurring theme of the day was involvement, as a series of speakers advised the new lawyers to actively participate in the number of professional organizations available as well as to give back to the communities they serve through pro bono work and other forms of charitable outreach.

Orange County Bar Association (OCBA) President Lei Lei Wang Ekvall touted the organization's Young Lawyers Division as an excellent place to begin establishing a professional network at the start of one's career. She further encouraged the room of new lawyers to develop relationships with local judges through OCBA networking events. "Oftentimes, to best serve your clients, you really have to know your judge," she said.

"This is one of my favorite days, to come here and see all of these smiling faces," said State Bar Board of Governors member and OCBA past President Joseph Chairez. Playing off of the venue's close proximity to Disneyland, he added, "Today, in this room, at this moment, this is the happiest place in the world."

Chairez went on to stress the importance of Minimum Continuing Legal Education, especially with respect to understanding the business of law, and identified giving back to the community as priority No. 1. "You as lawyers are uniquely situated to represent the poor and underserved," he said.

Acting Presiding Justice Kathleen O'Leary reinforced the call for community involvement, reminding the new lawyers, "In California, we have a lot of lawyers, but we also have a lot of people in need."

On a lighter note, O'Leary teased attendees standing at the back of the room and encouraged them to fill in any open seats. "You're out of law school now," she said. "It's OK to sit in the front row."

The reading of the roll was performed by Associate Justice Richard Fybel. Upon calling the name of a new admittee who had attended UCLA School of Law, Fybel said, "[United States District] Judge [Andrew] Guilford and I would like to give a little drum roll for UCLA."

Shortly thereafter, shouts of "Go Bears!" came up from the crowd when alumni of UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law were announced. "I knew that was coming," Fybel laughed.

"This is really unusual for us judges," Fybel added. "Usually, we make half the people happy and half the people sad. Today we make everyone happy. It's a really different—and really good—feeling."

O'Leary then administered the state oath, while Guilford administered the federal oath.

Returning to the podium to introduce Associate Justice William Bedsworth, O'Leary advised those new lawyers starting a career at a firm "to get to know your associates and partners. Find out their football team. You don't want to make enemies your first week."

"In the immortal words of author Kurt Vonnegut Jr.," Bedsworth began his closing remarks, "'Welcome to the monkey house.'"

He went on to caution the new lawyers against cynicism and pursuit of "the almighty dollar." Moreover, he explained that a lawyer's success should not be measured in terms of cases won or lost, stressing instead the importance of ensuring the equitable treatment of one's client.

"Practice law so you can look [your loved ones] in the eye and tell them proudly about everything you've done," he said. "You have more power to do good—and less excuse not to—than you've ever had. You've made this dream come true. Now go out and make other dreams come true. Congratulations, counselors."

To view photos from the swearing in ceremony, please visit our Facebook page.