Orange County Superior Court - Press Release: Court Discovers Irregularities with Warrants Issued by Night Judge

Santa Ana, CA —The Orange County Superior Court recently discovered the Court’s Night Judge issued a number of warrants while outside the United States.

As soon as the Court discovered that Judge Nicholas S. Thompson conducted Court business as the Night Judge, while being out-of-country, measures were undertaken to cease the practice and work with our justice partners to ameliorate possible legal issues stemming from this matter.

While the Court, as any other organization, can’t always be free of problems, it is always working hard to deal with issues with transparency and expediency for the benefit of our community

Additional measures have been put in place to assure that judicial officers who assume the night magistrate duty will not leave the state of California while they are on duty.

An investigation by both the Court and relevant authorities is underway; therefore, the Court cannot offer more information at this time. Judge Thompson is represented by Mr. Paul S. Meyer.

Click here to view the full press release.
