06/24/22 Statement from OCHBA Regarding Roe vs. Wade Decision

Roe vs. Wade Statement from OCHBA

We are deeply disturbed by the U.S. Supreme Court decision today which sets our country back 50 years in overturning Roe v. Wade in their decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. As Americans, we have fundamental rights, one of which is the right to make decisions regarding our own medical needs and our own reproductive decisions. American families have relied on their autonomy to make decisions over their own bodies for more than 50 years and today the U.S. Supreme Court has taken those rights away without any real explanation as to why our fundamental rights are being violently disrupted. This impact will be felt most by those in economic challenging conditions, as they will not have the means to travel to a state where their fundamental rights over their bodies will be respected and where abortions will still be legal and conducted safely. We must stand up for our fundamental rights. Bodily autonomy should be a protected fundamental right for everyone, not only those of the male gender. We recognize people feel passionately about this topic and that there may be some reading this who will not agree with our statement. However, women’s rights have been set back today and we must all raise our voices and work together to protect these rights and help those most affected by this egregious decision.

Christopher J. Ayala
OCHBA President
