Orange County Superior Court - Administrative Order No. 22/02


Pursuant to my authority to control matters before the Court (Code Civ. Proc., § 128; Gov. Code, § 68070); my authority as the Presiding Judge (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 10.603); and the inherent powers of the court (In re Reno (2012) 565 Cal.4th 428, 522), effective May 17, 2022, in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, to protect the health of court personnel and court users, and to comply with an order of the Orange County Health Care Agency and Cal-OSHA regulations, I hereby order as follows:

All persons entering certain designated areas of the Orange County Superior Court, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a face mask at all times while in the designated areas. The areas designated will vary by justice center. However, all of the designated areas will be prominently marked with signs.

Face masks required under this Order means a surgical mask, a medical procedure mask, or a tightly woven fabric or non-woven material of at least two layers. A face mask shall have no visible holes or openings and must cover both the nose and mouth. A face mask does not include a scarf, ski mask, balaclava, bandana, turtleneck, collar, or single layer of fabric.

This Order applies to court employees, law enforcement officers, attorneys, parties, jurors, potential jurors, witnesses, members of the media, vendors, and other court users. Children under the age of three years old are exempt from this Order.

Members of the public with physical or mental impairments or disabilities who seek an exemption from this Order as a reasonable accommodation pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act or California Rules of Court, rule 1.100, must contact the Court's ADA site coordinator at http://www.occourts.org/general-info/ or at ADAlnformation@occourts.org. Employees with physical or mental impairments or disabilities who seek an exemption from this Order as a reasonable accommodation must contact Human Resources.

This order is effective May 17, 2022, and will remain in effect through December 31, 2022, or until amended or repealed.

IT IS SO ORDERED this 17th day of May 2022, in Orange County, California

Read the official administrative order.
