OCBA Mourns the Passing of John Hurlbut

Message from OCBA President Larisa Dinsmoor

Today we grieve the loss of a pillar in our legal community, John B. Hurlbut, Jr.  John joined the OCBA in 1965. During his 56 years with the OCBA, he tirelessly shared his time and expertise with the OCBA, fellow lawyers and the community at large. John holds the rare distinction of being honored with the Franklin G. West Ward, the OCBA's highest honor, and the Harmon G. Scoville Award, which recognizes a member of the Orange County legal community whose career exemplifies the highest standards of the legal profession and who has significantly contributed to the Orange County Bar Association and championed our constitutional system of justice. The OCBA Masters Division honored him with a Legends of the Law award. John was an exemplary lawyer and human being. To read more about John and his extraordinary contributions, click here for excerpts of an email Rutan & Tucker circulated to its attorneys and employees as they mourned John's passing.
