Learn from a judge how to act in court.
MC Sungaila is an inspiration for her career marked by excellence an service.
Western State’s immigration clinic helps keep the American dream alive for people seeking to contribute to our country.
The work being done at and by UCI law school enriches Orange County.
Traveling for work? Don’t leave your New Year’s fitness resolution behind!
May it please the court.
The “dog days of summer” refer to the hot days between July 3 and August 11 surrounding the moment when Sirius—the Dog Star—rises and sets with the sun.
Mike has a far-reaching legacy and a robust sense of humor.
How to use legal analytics to enhance your firm’s performance.
Some ways to enjoy time outside the office.
Reflections from a retired judge.
The new dean of Western State explains how the law school fosters student success.
For when you need a laugh.
The secrets to UCI Law’s success.
Many judicial positions were authorized that remain unfilled.
Tips to help everyone with confidential client information keep it that way.
This month’s featured attorney describes the long process by which the wife of a U.S. missionary can become a citizen.
How courts determine parental rights in the case of medically assisted implantation.