The mail delivery position does not include this in its job description.
How should we handle expert witnesses who rely on AI for their opinions?
It’s not a terrible idea for judges to avoid posting homemade videos to social media.
The sun was eclipsed but the stars did not align for palintiff’s counsel.
The legal ramifications of bar food sometimes defy dictionary definitions.
A new way to add insult to injury.
Hopefully, you are not looking to get your daily nutrition from ice cream.
The Beach Boys certainly did not write a song about this judge!
The title sounds like a fun lawn game—not something to be done in a courtroom.
How to go too far in “negotiating.”
A judge who acts as if she prefers social media to her job.
When a judge takes off her shoes, you may be in trouble.
Texting in itself would have been inappropriate enough, but wait till you read the content!
Limit yourself to one CLE at a time.
There can be many reasons to break off an engagement.
A recipe for dismissing a series of frivolous suits.
Deciding copyright cases involving art is no picnic.
They say timing is everything.
Make sure you filter your thoughts before writing them—all of them—in your brief to the court.
Is seasonal affective disorder a defense?