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Numerous specialty sections meet regularly to provide sources of networking information and education (CLE) to members. Click here to join a section online or download the Section Application. Each OCBA section has been designated a section liaison.

Alternative Dispute Resolution*
A forum for the exchange of ideas, examination of trends in the field, and professional development of members interested in alternative dispute resolution.

Appellate Law*
Reviews the procedural aspects of California appellate practice for the purpose of recommending legislative changes, as well as changes in the California Rules of Court. Monitors legislative proposals and studies by special committees which may affect California appellate practice.

Banking & Lending*
A forum devoted to the problems and concerns of attorneys who work for or otherwise represent financial institutions and/or providers of financial services.

Business & Corporate Law*
Concerns substantive areas within the practice of business and corporate law, discussing current issues in tax, labor, securities and corporate law.

Business Litigation*
Concerns areas of law involving business and commercial litigation, including alternative dispute resolution and recent developments in statutory case law.

Commercial Law & Bankruptcy*
Presents programming in areas of  law involving commercial transactions, particularly the Uniform Commercial Code and the Bankruptcy Code.

Conservatorship, Guardianship, & Protective Proceedings*
To provide a forum and meeting place to discuss current law, practice, problems, changes , trends and procedures in the practice of protective proceedings; to foster open discussions between the bar and bench; and to develop and assist in the formulation of practice procedures, legislation and implementation.

Construction Law*
Meetings address the legal aspects of engineering, architecture and the construction process.

Corporate Counsel*
(Open only to in-house corporate counsel)
Furthers the knowledge of its members and the members of the OCBA concerning the practice of law within in-house corporate legal department.

Criminal Law*
A forum for open discussions, networking, and regular MCLE programming dedicated to the practice of criminal law.

Elder Law and Special Needs*
Provides practical education for its members through presentations that share the tools and resources available to lawyers, fiduciaries and families when protecting the rights, well-being and estates of the elderly and disabled individuals.

Entertainment, Sports & Marketing Law*
Focuses on an array of cutting-edge issues, including video game licensing, film production and finance, musical recording contracts, sports agent representation, TV production and syndication, children’s advertising, celebrity endorsements, athlete and spectator liabilities, social media, "green" advertising and toy manufacturing.

Environmental Law*
Provides attorneys with programs geared toward the toxic and environmental concerns of government and businesses in meeting the responsibilities to the environment and society.

Family Law*
Provides attorneys in the field of family law, updates on procedure, support, tax considerations, community property and the legal and psychological aspects of child custody. Provides judges pro tem as well as a panel of private agreement judges to hear family law matters. Sponsors annual family law seminars.

Health Care Law*
Networking and education for health care attorneys, featuring presentations on hot topics such as Stark Law, False Claims, HIPAA, HITECH, EMTALA, Medical Malpractice, Anti-Trust, Anti-Kick Back, Compliance, Health Care Reform, Medicare, Medi-Cal, Managed Care, and more.

Immigration Law*
Sponsors educational programs geared to practitioners at varying levels of experience and monitors federal immigration legislation and comments on proposed regulations affecting immigration practitioners.

Insurance Law*
Educates the members of the section on all facets of insurance law and claims practice and procedures, including recent developments in statutory, regulatory and case laws.

Intellectual Property & Technology Law*
Addresses the acquisition, protection and commercial exploitation of all types of technology and bio-technology.

International Law*
Examines issues affecting the practice of international law.

Labor & Employment Law*
Reviews areas of interest to employment and labor lawyers representing management, unions and employers, and those representing employees.

Real Estate Law*
Concerns the substantive law in the field of real estate; assists the OCBA in proposing legislation affecting real estate.

Solo Practitioner/Small Firm*
Provides programs which guide attorneys regarding successful ways to operate a law practice, more efficiently and cost effectively.

Tax Law*
Concerns all facets of tax law practice and procedure.

Tort & Trial* (Previously Named Product Liability)
Provides a forum to educate and inform members of recent developments in Product Liability and Special Torts such as personal injury and property cases. The Section covers litigation strategy and trial tactics, as well as appropriate regulatory issues.

Trusts & Estates*
Program covers substantive and procedural law governing trustees, probate estates, guardianships, conservatorship and other matters affecting Trusts and Estates and administration.

Workers’ Compensation*
Concerns workers' compensation law, practice and procedure in various aspects of workers' compensation.

For more information about OCBA Sections, contact Member Services.
Click here to join a section online or download the Section Application.

*All content on Section pages is provided by Section leadership & volunteers