The OCBA has created an Emergency Response Task Force and a resource page to help assist with the relief efforts of the devastating Los Angeles Fires. These are extraordinary times, but they present us with the opportunity to work together in unprecedented ways to serve impacted communities.
To that end, if you are interested in getting trained to help provide pro bono legal assistance to fire victims, below is information about upcoming seminars:
Additionally, below is a link the FEMA website which offers more information on how you can help.
We also participated in a LACBA remote meeting this afternoon to align Bar Association and Affiliate Organization efforts. The discussion centered on avoiding duplication of efforts while providing meaningful, hands-on assistance to those in need. The focus was on educating both the public affected by the fires and legal professionals on key legal issues and procedures in relevant areas of the law.
Lastly, we aim to incorporate CLEs addressing mental well-being, trauma, and secondary exposure. We recognize that when recovery begins, it may be challenging to offer guidance to those who have suffered greatly, and we want to support coping efforts.
Thank you in advance to those willing to assist. We will share more information in the coming weeks about additional ways to contribute.
Sharon and Dan
OCBA Emergency Response Task Force Co-Chairs